So you think you're not being affected by wifi? Think again.

wifi Oct 02, 2020

by Kim Knight, The Kiwi Health Detective

"As I searched for a new place to live, it was quite clear that wherever you went, everyone had a wireless router, and no-one seemed to realize the effects the wifi was having on their body and mind"...

I've written about the effects of wifi ('wireless fidelity') on several occasions over the past 10 years. I'm not an expert on the science of wifi, but I am an expert on noticing how I feel when I am in places where there is wifi. Because here's the thing: I don't need science to tell me how my body does or does not respond to external stimuli - I have my own in-built feedback system for that, which is 100% accurate - and it's called my body intelligence.

Now, everyone has this body intelligence system - it's inbuilt, it comes part and parcel with you, from the moment you are born. But here's the problem: most people have stopped using their innate intelligence, without even knowing they have.

Some background

I started getting in touch...

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Is It Time to Ditch Your Smart Watch?

smart watch wifi Aug 29, 2019

"I started to notice that even after I had taken the smart watch off, my pulse would 'pulse' - in other words, my pulse was reacting to the watch even when it wasn't on my wrist"... 

18 months ago I purchased my first fitbit. I loved being able to count my steps and keep myself accountable for my exercise. I enjoyed keeping track of how many laps I swam.

Then one after the other - three times - my fitbits stopped working. The tech guys had no idea why, and each time it was replaced. I had a hunch my body was trying to tell me something.
In the past whenever I tried to wear a regular (non-digital) watch, it would stop working, and eventually I stopped wearing one. In fact, until I got my fitbit, I had not worn a watch for over 20 years!
After the third malfunction, I decided to change brands and purchased a Samsung Gear. It seemed to work fine.
I started to notice however that sometimes, even after I had taken the smart watch off, my pulse would...
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5G - How Long Will You Keep Your Head In The Sand?

5g emf emr wifi Jul 26, 2019
Here's a question for you.
If the government is elected BY the people, FOR the people, and is made up of human beings just like you and me, why do you think said governments, including local governance, are not interested in listening to the people's concerns about 5G, or taking these concerns seriously?
Why is that when an issue of such gravity and consequences for humanity's health and survival is given a mere 10 minutes at a local council deputation, with local counsellors telling deputants to make sure they don't go over their allotted speaking time? 10 minutes for the health and wellbeing, and potential future, of humanity. Are you kidding me?
When you start digging a little deeper you will find out why our voices are falling on deaf ears, and it's probably not something you want to know. In fact it will shock you.
But the problem is, it's something you're going to NEED to know, sooner or later, (preferably sooner) because this IS going to...
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5G Wireless Radiation - What You Need To Know

5g 5g summit emf emr wifi Jul 25, 2019

5G wireless... 

The industry HAS NOT shown it to be safe for your health or privacy -- yet THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies show the risks it presents -- and they’re building it anyway. 

Hundreds of scientists from 40 different countries have reached out to the United Nations and the FCC, asking them to consider health risks and environmental issues before rapidly deploying 5G -- because these researchers have studies that show adverse biological and health effects from EMF sources.

It's time to better understand the dangers of 5G and learn how to implement better solutions in your community...

--->>Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this free, online event


You may have heard of 5G:

It stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless.

In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they have no safety studies on 5G, and don't plan to do any. Meanwhile, there are thousands of...

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A Layperson's Guide to EMF, WIFI and Geopathic Stress


How silent, invisible 'noise' can destroy your health

Do the terms wifi, bluetooth, EMF, EMR, radiation, 5G leave your head spinning?

Are you confused over what all the fuss is about with the changes from 4G to 5G?

Are you aware of the detrimental effects EMF (electro-magnetic field) radiation has on your cells, tissues and organs?

If the answer is yes, this video blog will give you a simple, clear introduction to the topic of geopathic (EMF) stress so you can make better choices about your health. 


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The effects of WIFI on cognitive function

emf emr wifi May 26, 2019

(This article was originally published in 2009!)

...On how WIFI Can Turn Your Brain to Mush

I’d like to share the amazing experience I had recently in realizing first-hand the detrimental effects of WIFI (wireless internet and wireless office devices).

For several weeks* I had been feeling extremely unmotivated about work.

Symptoms included feeling unclear, unable to think, complete lethargy, verging on what I would classify as mild depression.

I had been putting it down to all sorts of factors (I need a break… it’s Christmas…maybe I’m low in iron…the weather’s really muggy) even starting to contemplate maybe I was losing enthusiasm for my work and needed a complete job change! I even went to have my bloods checked just to see if something was really going on, and also booked a Journey process with a friend to see what ’emotional’ stuff might be making me feel depressed.

Then one night I was sitting in my office,...

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