Is Your Wireless Device Safe? You May Be Surprised

emf emr wifi radiation Aug 11, 2019


Fine Print Warnings On Radiation Exposure In Cell Phone And Wireless Device Manuals

So many people, especially children, are still unaware of the basic rules of cell phone safety.

Remember if your device is on, and not on Flight mode, it is transmitting almost constantly.

All wireless devices from smartphones to wireless laptops to baby monitors come with FCC warnings that they are NOT safe to use if held directly on the body because the radio frequency emissions can exceed government limits. Very importantly, if you place a cell phone at body contact, you can exceed radiation limits up to 9 times US FCC limits according to reports of the French government after testing hundreds of cell phones.

The Fine Print Manufacturer Radio Frequency Radiation Warnings

All manufacturers of wireless devices from cell phones to Wi-Fi Speakers To Wi-Fi toys have warnings which describe the minimum distance devices must be kept away from users in order to not...

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