Could Natural Geopathic Stress be Making You Sick?

(This article was originally published in 2010).

Are unseen energies causing or contributing to your sense of dis-ease?

"It usually takes about 2 years of living in a house before geopathic stress starts to take its toll or be noticed, and by that time the detrimental effects have already started, meaning we are already not so clear-headed. The change is so gradual that we do not notice it, and because it affects our ability to think clearly, we are unable to notice the detrimental effects. Catch 22".

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) “30% of the world’s buildings are “sick” with toxins to humans. Geopathic stress is a major cause of this problem”.

I think I just had a major experience of this, and not for the first time.

Several months ago I experienced first-hand the amazing difference in my ability to think clearly when I turned off my wifi (wireless internet) in my home office. (See my blog ...

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